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Google випустили окуляри які здатні перекладати мову вашого співрозмовника

Компанія Google, щоб розв‘язати питання мовного бар‘єра, який може відчуватись серед людей різних національностей, розробили спеціальний проект

Google logo in front of Google's Bay View Building BV100 during a media tour in Mountain View, California, USA, 16 May 2022. Google announced on 16 May the opening of its new Bay View campus in Silicon Valley, representing the company's first time developing its own major campus and the largest to pursue multiple green building certifications. The Bay View campus was designed by architects Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and Heatherwick Studio, as well as Google's design and engineering teams and spans 42 acres adjacent to the open space, two office buildings, and 1,00-person event center, and 240 short-term employee accommodations units. The campus incorporates biophilic design principles, including greenery, natural daylight and views outside from every desk to improve the health and wellbeing of those inside the building. The new building is to operate every hour of every day on carbon-free energy by 2030, the first-of-its-kind dragonscale solar skin, as well as nerby wind farms, will power Bay View on carbon-free energy 90 percent of the time. Bay View is 100 percent electric where even the kitchens are electric to decrease carbon emissions. To help deliver on its commitment to replenish 120 percent of the water it comsumes by 2023, the site is net water-positive with all non-potable water demands being met using the recycled water it generates on site. A series of above-ground ponds gather rainwater, combine with building wastewater treatment systems, together serve as a water source for cooling towers, flushing toilets, and landscape irrigation. EPA/JOHN G. MABANGLO Dostawca: PAP/EPA.Google logo in front of Google's Bay View Building BV100 during a media tour in Mountain View, California, USA, 16 May 2022. Google announced on 16 May the opening of its new Bay View campus in Silicon Valley, representing the company's first time developing its own major campus and the largest to pursue multiple green building certifications. The Bay View campus was designed by architects Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and Heatherwick Studio, as well as Google's design and engineering teams and spans 42 acres adjacent to the open space, two office buildings, and 1,00-person event center, and 240 short-term employee accommodations units. The campus incorporates biophilic design principles, including greenery, natural daylight and views outside from every desk to improve the health and wellbeing of those inside the building. The new building is to operate every hour of every day on carbon-free energy by 2030, the first-of-its-kind dragonscale solar skin, as well as nerby wind farms, will power Bay View on carbon-free energy 90 percent of the time. Bay View is 100 percent electric where even the kitchens are electric to decrease carbon emissions. To help deliver on its commitment to replenish 120 percent of the water it comsumes by 2023, the site is net water-positive with all non-potable water demands being met using the recycled water it generates on site. A series of above-ground ponds gather rainwater, combine with building wastewater treatment systems, together serve as a water source for cooling towers, flushing toilets, and landscape irrigation. EPA/JOHN G. MABANGLO Dostawca: PAP/EPA.Źródło: PAP, fot: PAP/EPA/JOHN G. MABANGLO

Вони випустили нові окуляри доповненої реальності, які здатні записати мову вашого співрозмовника, перекласти текст та відобразити його переклад. Доповнена реальність націлена поєднати реальний світ з віртуальним.

Завдяки новому винаходу комунікація між людьми, які б за інших умов не могли порозумітись, буде налагоджена.

Google поки що не надав жодної детальної інформації. Тільки у Твіттері показали відео, як окуляри стануть у пригоді в повсякденному житті.

Nataliia Protsko, журналістка VPolshchi

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